Monday, August 6, 2012

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Our war the larger the larger the troops immediately to carry out long-distance expeditions, logistical support, is naturally very important, but Waldorf you know, our army before the logistics capacity is very original, but also very low energy, how can ? Ashley in this regard, Mr. experts to support long-term large-scale war, we naturally need to give us, Mr. help. As for education, the troops have been hundreds of thousands of army reserve commanding officers a great shortage of these is the need of our Military Academy to make great efforts to train military cadres to enrich the frontline command staff. front line also needs to understand the military to explain to us soldiers tactical drill, Mr. Mo Dun and Maca Asia Mr. naturally experts in as long as we lay the Hunan and Hubei provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi. Mr. Waldorf you think our product is more or less? your business or reduced? sea robbers is need to exterminate, we are also training staff in this regard, I'll tell you, let Morton Mr. Marines preparing to set up to lend a hand, do not know how Mr. Mo Dun that? As for your treatment we will consider, as well as the Waldorf, I intend to grant you the rank - Reserve Lieutenant. do not know if you are willing? Ashley Mr. you to the army, we will grant you the rank of, in order to facilitate your work. Will? My God! Young General thank you very much! General has granted him the official rank of lieutenant general, is naturally pleased to honor love of life such as the Waldorf forget what his last name. As for his pipe maritime anti-smuggling team,cheap oakley sunglass, Wall inside the brain has forgotten for the moment when General intends to granted me the rank of lieutenant? now?'d better hurry, I hope in the title back to the cheap nfl wear, I can not wait! general really, my good friend, benefactor! Yang Husheng smile at the Waldorf said slowly.
Days early in the morning, the coastal city of the People's Liberation Army soldiers significantly increased over the city three airship kept circling,replica oakley sunglasses, wandering the distant mountains, there are a few black specks in the air. Teams of soldiers on patrol in the city back and forth the city of martial law, ban all pedestrians to move around. even the soldiers of the guards standing on either side of the Rong Tong Lane has been extended to the Chen Family Courtyard door today is the base of the highest military conference venue around the level of alert to the highest it can be said is an ant Want to secretly is impossible.
After lunch, the Chen Family Courtyard temporary change the smoke curls in the lobby of the conference room, which on the grounds of sitting thirty come, Yang Husheng is standing in front shouted to the people saying something. Addition to the wing a division of forest teachers are the Shaoxing organizations siege Tso exception to base the main forces above the division chief heads inside, Cheng Xueqi new defected to the PLA's attendance to participate in the meeting. imposing octahedral parties princes are quietly listening to the commander of their own destiny arrangements in the eyes of the generals is very complex, excitement, anticipation, cringe, shame ... what kind of table

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